Network config - TCP/IP settings for Wifi Router


Due to the numerous brands and models of Wifi routers on the market, we cannot explain them in a unified manner. We recommend that you refer to the manual to set up the Wi-Fi router or search on Google. Thank you.

Example for ASUS RT-AC66U


  • 1. Click WAN
  • 2. WAN Connection Type choose Static IP.
  • 3. Fill in your Dormitory Network IP Information for WAN IP Setting and WAN DNS Setting.
    Other settings (such as DHCP) use the default value as shown in the following figure:


  • 1. Find and select “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”, then click “Obtain an IP address automatically”.
  • 2. Click “Obtain DNS server address automatically” and click “OK” to submit.
  • 3. Apple macOS users check here.


  • Network config completed, feel free to connect the Internet.

If any questions, please contact us.
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Service time: Mon-Fri 8.30am-12.00pm & 1.30pm-5.00pm

Network System Division from Computer & Communication Center