主旨:下列已停用一年電子郵件信箱帳號將於 2014/10/01 10:00 進行註銷作業。
Because the email accounts listed below have been disabled for a year, they will be removed on 2014/10/01 according to the email service regulation. Those accounts, disabled more than one year, will be removed forever and not allowed to be recreated. Therefore, if required please enable the disabled account by
resetting the password before it is removed.
如有問題,請洽詢本中心,校內分機 31234 或 31000。
計算機與通訊中心 網路系統組 敬啟
Division of Network System, Computer and Communication Center
清查日期: 2014/09/01
清查類型: 已停用帳號
清查範圍: Y1
符合筆數: 2
d947513@oz g9734544@oz