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How to browse the personal website

Student’s personal website

  1. OZ website server is
  2. To browse your own website, take the account g9700001 as the example, please enter the url as, the system will load the file of ~g9700001/WWW/index.html.
  3. If you use the personal computer to edit your own website, you can use FTP software to upload the files to the WWW directory of your “home directory”.

Teacher and Staff’s website

  1. MX website server is
  2. To browse your own website, take the account “username” as an example, please enter the url as, the system will load the file of ~username/WWW/index.html.
  3. If you use the personal computer to edit your own website, you can use FTP software to upload the files to the WWW directory of your “home directory”.

Unit’s website

  1. MY website server is
  2. To browse your own website, take the account “ccc” as an example, please enter the url as ccc/, the system will load the file of “ ~ccc/WWW/index.html”.
  3. If you use the personal computer to edit your own website, you can use FTP software to upload the files to the WWW directory of your “home directory”.