主旨:[填問卷抽獎] 敬邀本校教職員工生上網填寫校園網路與校園授權軟體服務品質問卷!
(Campus Internet Service and Authorized Software Service Questionnaire)
為鼓勵並感謝大家踴躍填答問卷,活動截止後會舉辦抽獎,獎項包含行動電源5個、運動水壺30個及撲克牌200盒,共235個獎品。抽獎結果將於6月中旬公布於本中心網站最新消息(http://www.cc.nthu.edu.tw/) 公告。
問卷填答:請進校務資訊系統 問卷系統
如有任何疑問,請用email與我們聯絡(service@cc.nthu.edu.tw) 謝謝你的協助!
In order to improve the quality of campus internet service and authorized software service, please spend a few minutes to fill in the questionnaire based on your user experiences of dormitory internet service, campus wireless LAN service, and department/institute internet service. Please do not hesitate to provide any other suggestions. Your valuable feedback will help the Computer and Communications Center and institutes/departments to improve our internet service. This is an anonymous survey and your personal confidentiality will be ensured. Thank you very much for your participation.
To encourage and appreciate your participation, we will provide some lucky prizes for drawing. Drawing results will be announced at the Computer & Communication Center website (http://www.cc.nthu.edu.tw/) in the middle of June.
Duration: 2015/05/21~2015/05/31
Entrance: “Questionnaire” in Academic Information Systems
Subjects: NTHU faculty and students
If you have any questions, please mail to service@cc.nthu.edu.tw. Thank you for your assistance!
網路系統組 敬啟